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Hotel Mumbai review, Culture Whisper

Hotel Mumbai review, Culture Whisper

It’s a difficult line to tread: using a real-life tragedy to facilitate an action-packed, fictionalised version of events. Yet it can be done, respectfully and responsibly. But where the esteemed examples walk that line without clumsily veering into exploitative territory, Hotel Mumbai wobbles, trips and falls while clearly having inappropriate fun.

The debut feature film from Anthony Maras takes the 2008 Lashkar-e-Taiba attacks in Mumbai, India, as the catalytic tragedy – crafting a well-made, but ill-advised, thriller from the bullets, blood, and bodies left inside the five-star Taj Palace Hotel.

Read my full review on Culture Whisper

Seberg review, Culture Whisper (LFF)

Seberg review, Culture Whisper (LFF)

The Last Tree review, Culture Whisper

The Last Tree review, Culture Whisper