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I'm Thinking of Ending Things review, Culture Whisper

I'm Thinking of Ending Things review, Culture Whisper

Since Being John Malkovich in 1999, writer/director Charlie Kaufman has grappled with awkward, anxious protagonists (almost always male) as they navigate surreal worlds that orbit deep philosophical concepts like life, death, memory, reality, identity, and time. After leaving these worlds, your mind feels stretched like taffy through a labyrinth – not only from tangled narratives, but the confusing and existential toil he imposes on his characters.

But Kaufman tends to avoid pulling too hard (if at all) on emotional heartstrings. It’s rare to tear up at a Kaufman movie. His latest film I’m Thinking of Ending Things, however, made this awkward, anxious critic cry – and it’s hard to say why.

Read my full review

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