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Tenet review, Culture Whisper

Tenet review, Culture Whisper

Christopher Nolan (Inception, Interstellar, Dunkirk) has never wanted simplicity. It’s easy to get lost in his movies, to pore over his every enigma. Tenet – the film that's meant to save cinema after Covid – feels like the product of an esteemed filmmaker competing with himself and his love for the complicated. (This is strangely appropriate given the film’s paradoxical playfulness with time.)

But while Nolan focuses hard on chiselling the curves inside his incredible, labyrinthine world, he neglects the details of those who populate it.

The characters serve as functionary elements to a mind-stretching whole. And as enjoyable as it is to decode, learn, and understand (or even just comprehend) Nolan’s movies, it’s the characters that keep you hooked and gasping for more. Given that many uncertain cinema-goers (including this shaky critic) feel anxious about leaving the safety of their homes to enter the cinema, Tenet might not be the lockdown cure they’re hoping for.

Read my full review

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