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Wonder Woman 1984 review, Culture Whisper

Wonder Woman 1984 review, Culture Whisper

Watching Wonder Woman 1984 is like drinking too much, only to be immediately hit with a hangover. The chases and explosions blur into bored fumes, even with Hans Zimmer’s booming and brilliant electric score. The plot follows a blandly fantastical logic, often out of convenience rather than spectacle.

Even worse, director/co-writer Patty Jenkins tries to make you sympathise with an aerobatic, beautiful, intelligent warrior princess/archaeologist who wears glorious dresses. She also has a glowing whip that can wrap around lightning – you can’t forget that. But the one thing Diana/Wonder Woman doesn’t have is Steve (Chris Pine), her hunky lost love who died as a pilot during World War I (that's another thing: she never ages).

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