Killing Eve episode 4 review, Culture Whisper
Changing a show like Killing Eve, even if it’s a little modification, is risky. But equally if nothing changed, the series would turn stale and, after a few hopeful crunches, it’d be kinder just to throw it away. Season three rarely strays from the series’ key draws, but there’s an experimental edge to this week's episode – not in a highfalutin, avant-garde way, but working to augment the stories that weave sharply around each other.
In episode four, the big and lavish and colourful titles don’t indicate the attractive (and unattractive) scene locations; instead, they spell out the names of the main players. Although this is unnecessary, given the amount of time we’ve spent with Eve and Villanelle and Carolyn and Konstantin, the episode strays from the norm with enticing emphasis.