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Jojo Rabbit review, Culture Whisper (LFF)

Jojo Rabbit review, Culture Whisper (LFF)

Good and silly comedies for adults are rarer since the glory days of Monty Python, as if off-the-wall absurdity is only reserved for U-rated movies.

But in Jojo Rabbit, the comedy writer-director-actor Taika Waititi — fresh from his Thor: Ragnarok success — has never-ending, childish fun in the morbid setting of Nazi Germany. Like Python, Waititi takes a serious topic and makes it silly, while still acknowledging the tragedy of the time and never upsetting its difficult balance.

Not only is Jojo Rabbit a comedy with Nazis, but its tiny, tween hero Jojo trains in the Hitler Youth — hoping to, one day, fight on the front lines. Oh, and he has an imaginary friend in the form of the Führer, cartoonishly played by Waititi himself.

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