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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker review, Culture Whisper

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker review, Culture Whisper

JJ Abrams rebuilt the spaceship of Star Wars in 2015 with Episode VII: The Force Awakens – using the engine of the original trilogy (IV-VI, 1977-83) as well as spare parts from the diabolical prequels (I-III, 1999-2005) – and made it soar. Abrams returns to the wheel for the last in the so-called 'Skywalker Saga' with Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker and, for a time, holds the ship steady.

But about 40 minutes into the flight, the skilled pilot forgets how to steer, shoot, or even stay in a straight line. Out of nowhere, he wheels the laser beams around and blasts his own hyperspeed vehicle; ending on a tediously familiar planet, crashed, on fire, with many half-forgotten character-arcs hopelessly burning.

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